Divergence Jazz Orchestra & Bukovsky SIMA Summer Jazz performance
Divergence Jazz Orchestra are thrilled to announce that we will continue our collaborations with acclaimed trumpeter and composer Miroslav Bukovsky in 2017 with a performance in the upcoming SIMA SUMMER JAZZ concert series. We are honoured to be included in a program of such luminaries on the cutting edge of contemporary jazz and improvised music in Australia.
With Bukovsky as a our guest soloist, we will perform some exciting new material co-written by Bukovsky and Jenna Cave, new works by Andrew Scott and Paul Cutlan, and a selection of Bukovsky classics re-imagined for an orchestra of 19 musicians. This will be proceeded by a support set featuring Loretta Palmeiro (sax) and Andrew Scott (piano) performing in a rare duo format.
8pm, Saturday 18 February 2017
The Sound Lounge
Corner of City Rd and Cleveland St, Chippendale
Sydney, NSW
Divergence with Miroslav Bukovsky/ Loretta Palmeiro
MIROSLAV BUKOVSKY trumpet, flugelhorn, JENNA CAVE conductor and composer, PAUL WEBER trombone, co-musical director TIM COGGINS, ROSE FOSTER, LUKE DAVIS trombones; PAUL MURCHISON, ROB CAMPBELL, WILL ENDICOTT, PAUL MEO, WILL GILBERT trumpets, flugelhorns; JUSTIN BUCKINGHAM lead alto saxophone, flute LORETTA PALMEIRO alto, soprano saxophone, flute, clarinet DAVE REGLAR tenor, alto saxophone MICHAEL AVGENICOS tenor saxophone TIM CLARKSON baritone saxophone, flute, bass clarinet; RICHARD ASHBY guitar ANDREW SCOTT piano HANNAH JAMES bass JAMES MCCAFFREY drums
Fake It Until You Make It - Eastside FM Album of the Week
The new Divergence Jazz Orchestra album Fake It Until You Make It was reviewed and featured as "Album of the Week" on Sydney arts radio station Eastside FM.
Read what the folks at Eastside FM had to say about it.