Divergence Jazz Orchestra with Marie LeBrun @ Foundry616
VOICE: Marie Le Brun
TROMBONES: Paul Weber (Co-Musical Director, lead), Alex Silver, Cailey Soon, Luke Davis (bass)
TRUMPETS AND FLUGELHORNS: Harrisson Ball, James Power, Bernice Tesara, Will Endicott, Tom Avgenicos
SAXOPHONES AND WOODWINDS: Tessie Overmyer (lead alto, soprano, clarinet, flute), Hinano Fijisaki (alto, flute) Dave Reglar (tenor, clarinet) Jayden Clark (tenor, clarinet), Tim Clarkson (baritone, clarinets)
RHYTHM: Yutaro Okuda (guitar), Adrian Keevill (piano), Hannah James (bass), Mike Quigley (drums)
8:30pm, Friday 17th of February 2023
Foundry616, 616 Harris St, Ultimo NSW
Join Divergence for a show at Foundry616 where they’ll present old favourites alongside newer repertoire arranged and composed by Jenna Cave, Luke Davis, Alana McPherson, Gemma Farrell and more. This concert line-up will feature some exciting new faces in the group, plus Marie Le Brun on a full set of vocal pieces. 19-piece Divergence Jazz Orchestra has now been performing, recording and promoting original Australian music for 10 years.
Supported by Church Street Studios
Divergence launch recording and commissioning fund
To record and produce a new Divergence Jazz Orchestra album featuring recent output and new works. This will showcase our current line-up of exceptional band members while collaborating with special guests.
Photo by Mike Cave, Divergence Jazz Orchestra, September 2020
For 9 years Divergence Jazz Orchestra have been performing original and innovative Australian big band music in Sydney. Made up of top soloists and ensemble musicians, they play music by bandleader Jenna Cave and other composers. 5 years since the release of their 2nd album Fake it Until You Make It, Divergence plans to record a selection of recent works developed through performances. This includes music by Paul Cutlan (commissioned by Divergence), Cave, Andrew Scott and tunes by Miroslav Bukovsky arranged by Cave with Bukovsky. They’ll be joined by Sandy Evans, Cutlan, Bukovsky and as guest soloists.
Due COVID lockdowns the recording date in August 2021 has been postponed to 2022. While disappointing, this has provided an exciting opportunity to broaden the scope of the project. Our first two fundraising targets have now been met to cover post recording album production costs, and to record for an extra day to create a full-length album. Now we are working towards commissioning a new big band work from Jenna Cave for the recording, to feature Marie Le Brun (vocals).
The album will document Divergence’s significant creative development and output over the past 5 years, during which time they have been joined by a number of exceptional new band members creating a shift in their sound. The album release will allow them to share their new music more broadly with listeners and supporters across Australia and internationally, while contributing to the cannon of original Australian music for jazz orchestra. The project will employ over 28 musicians and arts freelancers, while supporting local small businesses in what has been a devastating time for Australian performing artists and the music industry.
The first recording day and set-up will be self-funded by the band and featured composers ($11,000), and now fundraising targets have been met ($9300) to record for a second day and complete the post-recording stage of album production. Divergence now are seeking donations from friends, listeners and supporters to fund a second recording session, to commission a brand new work from Jenna Cave for the recording ($2,500).
Divergence Jazz Orchestra:
DIRECTOR/RESIDENT COMPOSER -Jenna Cave TROMBONES: Paul Weber (Co-Musical Director, lead), Alex Silver , Rose Foster, Luke Davis (bass) TRUMPETS AND FLUGELHORNS: Matt Collins, Paul Murchison, James Power, Will Endicott, Will Gilbert SAXOPHONES AND WOODWINDS: Loretta Palmeiro (lead alto, soprano, clarinet, flute), Abi McCunn (alto, flute) Dave Reglar (tenor, alto, clarinet), Louis Klaassen (tenor, clarinet), Laura Power (baritone, clarinets) RHYTHM: Yutaro Okuda (guitar), Adrian Keevill (piano), Hannah James (bass), Mike Quigley (drums)