Divergence Jazz Orchestra & Bukovsky SIMA Summer Jazz performance
Divergence Jazz Orchestra are thrilled to announce that we will continue our collaborations with acclaimed trumpeter and composer Miroslav Bukovsky in 2017 with a performance in the upcoming SIMA SUMMER JAZZ concert series. We are honoured to be included in a program of such luminaries on the cutting edge of contemporary jazz and improvised music in Australia.
With Bukovsky as a our guest soloist, we will perform some exciting new material co-written by Bukovsky and Jenna Cave, new works by Andrew Scott and Paul Cutlan, and a selection of Bukovsky classics re-imagined for an orchestra of 19 musicians. This will be proceeded by a support set featuring Loretta Palmeiro (sax) and Andrew Scott (piano) performing in a rare duo format.
8pm, Saturday 18 February 2017
The Sound Lounge
Corner of City Rd and Cleveland St, Chippendale
Sydney, NSW
Divergence with Miroslav Bukovsky/ Loretta Palmeiro
MIROSLAV BUKOVSKY trumpet, flugelhorn, JENNA CAVE conductor and composer, PAUL WEBER trombone, co-musical director TIM COGGINS, ROSE FOSTER, LUKE DAVIS trombones; PAUL MURCHISON, ROB CAMPBELL, WILL ENDICOTT, PAUL MEO, WILL GILBERT trumpets, flugelhorns; JUSTIN BUCKINGHAM lead alto saxophone, flute LORETTA PALMEIRO alto, soprano saxophone, flute, clarinet DAVE REGLAR tenor, alto saxophone MICHAEL AVGENICOS tenor saxophone TIM CLARKSON baritone saxophone, flute, bass clarinet; RICHARD ASHBY guitar ANDREW SCOTT piano HANNAH JAMES bass JAMES MCCAFFREY drums