Divergence JO Album 2 - Crowd funding campaign
We are now four years old as a band and It’s been three years since we’ve recorded our first album. A lot has changed in that time and we have developed our sound as an ensemble. Through our work developing and performing new Australian music we’ve accumulated a large collection of music which is yet to be recorded. After the success of our first album The Opening Statement in 2013 we have launched a new crowd funding campaign to raise the funds to record and produce our second album in 2016! This will include some favourite pieces from band members including Jenna Cave (5 pieces), Brendan Champion (2 pieces), Luke Davis, and tunes from other Australian composers such as Miroslav Bukovsky. These tracks will include a wide variety of influences and styles, from contemporary jazz, New Orleans 2nd line, gospel ballads through to pop and groove; pushing the envelope of large ensemble jazz while staying rooted in rhythm. We also want to feature some of our great soloists including Will Gilbert (Trumpet), Tim Coggins (Trombone), David Reglar (Tenor Saxophone), and Andrew Scott (Piano) amongst others!
Our friends can pledge to pre-purchase the new album or be thanked with a range of other rewards.
See more/pledge on our pozible page.
Pre-order the Divergence album
The Divergence Jazz Orchestra are raising the funds to get into the studio in early 2013 to record the best of my big band charts to date. By pre-ordering our album you can help us get there!
There are also a range of other incentives for our supporters.
Check out the campaign here: www.pozible.com/divergence