Divergence Jazz Orchestra feature the music of Rafael Karlen (Brisbane)
At this upcoming performance on September 17th, Divergence Jazz Orchestra will be presenting music by award-winning composer and saxophonist Rafael Karlen (Brisbane), alongside some new works by band members. Rafael will be joining Divergence off the back of his recent album launch and commissioned composition premiere at the 2014 Brisbane International Jazz Festival. “Divergence Jazz Orchestra is one of Australia’s keepers of the big band flame…An astonishing array of Australia’s best and brightest” - John Hardaker, AustralianJazz.net
Wednesday September 17, 8:30pm. Foundry 616, 616 Harris St Ultimo
$20/15 on the door or book tickets
CONDUCTOR AND COMPOSER – Jenna Cave; TROMBONES – Paul Weber (Co-Musical Director, lead), Brendan Champion, Tim Coggins, Luke Davis(bass); TRUMPETS AND FLUGELHORNS- Matthew Collins (lead), Paul Murchison, Luke Stephens, Paul Meo, Will Gilbert; SAXOPHONES AND WOODWINDS- Justin Buckingham (lead alto, soprano, flute), Joshua Willard (alto, clarinet), Evan Harris (tenor, soprano, flute), Louis Klassen (tenor),Scott Kelly (baritone); RHYTHM- Luke Liang (guitar), Luke Sweeting (piano), David Groves (bass), Mike Quigley (drums); Rafael Karlen (Guest soloist -tenor sax)
Divergence@ Jazzgroove in May
The Divergence Jazz Orchestra are excited to announce that we will be performing at the Jazzgroove Associations' new venue at 107 Projects fresh from our album recording at Trackdown Studios. The Jazzgroove Association have been supporting and promoting Australian Jazz (with a focus on emerging artists) for 15 years with weekly concerts, jams, a summer jazz festival and their own record label. We are thrilled to be included on their weekly concert bill in May.
Tuesday May 14 2013, 9:30pm. 107 Redfern Street, Redfern NSW. $15/8