Divergence album reviewed on 'All About Jazz'
Jack Bowers, resident big band expert who contributes to international jazz blog 'All About Jazz' had some nice things to say when he reviewed our 2013 album 'The Opening Statement' on the site this month. Thanks Jack. Read his thoughts here.
"Divergence Jazz Orchestra is remarkably strong and consistently pleasing... Cave writes with depth and maturity well beyond her years, a virtue not lost on the DJO, which carries out her wishes to the letter."
ABC rates "The Opening Statement" as a top 2013 jazz release
Mal Stanely, presenter of Jazztrack on ABC Classic FM and ABC Jazz, and Ivan Lloyd presneter of Jazz Notes on ABC Jazz and Radio Australia, have both listed our debut album 'The Opening Statement' in their top pics for 2013. Thanks for the support ABC Jazz. Order your copy of the album here.